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I’m Soundar Anbalagan. I’ve 5 years of expertise in .NET and related technologies. The main reason to start this blog is to share what I learned and also for my personal learning. I hope you will find the articles helpful. You can follow me on Twitter, LinkedIn, and GitHub as well.

Happy reading đŸ™‚

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How to Easily Change Browser Time Zone for Testing

Soundar AnbalaganAug 26, 20223 min read

In this article, let’s learn how to easily change the browser time zone without changing the system date and time settings. Sometimes, we want to use the date time as is from the API without any local date time conversion,…

Trying out Native AOT in .NET 7 Preview 7

Soundar AnbalaganAug 12, 20224 min read

A few days ago, Microsoft released .NET 7 Preview 7. In this release, they finished most of the work related to Native AOT that was planned for .NET 7. They are planning all the future work for Native AOT here.…

Send Emails with Razor Templating in ASP.NET Core

Soundar AnbalaganMay 13, 20224 min read

In this article, let’s see how to send an email with dynamically generated email content using Razor View (.cshtml) in ASP.NET Core Create New Solution, Project, References & Add Packages using .NET CLINote: I’m using dotnet CLI to create the…

Convert HTML to PDF in ASP.NET Core

Soundar AnbalaganMay 30, 20217 min read

Generating PDF files is a common use case. Sometimes, there will be a need to send dynamically generated pdf attachments(like bank statements, invoices, and more) over email or give PDF export/download option to the users in the web portal or…

Speed up API development using Open API Tools

Soundar AnbalaganAug 28, 20205 min read

Introduction Nowadays REST APIs are widely used to communicate between two services. Anybody who calls these API endpoints is called clients. The client could be a frontend framework like Angular, React, or another backend service or desktop applications or mobile…